Meditation tips for hikers


As anyone who spends time hiking knows, being outside cultivates a sense of joy and peace you just can’t find anywhere else.

Want to boost your energy on the trail and have a more relaxing, meaningful time? Want better balance and less soreness? Try meditating with these tips while you're on your next adventure.

1) Focused Hiking

Imagine gliding along a steep, rocky trail as easily as you cross a flat meadow. Impossible? Not if you focus on your breathing and strides. Synchronize breaths with your stride so your steps become smoother. Inhale as you step forward with one foot, then exhale with the next step of that same foot. As you relax, you can take fewer, longer breaths coordinated with more strides.

2) Engage Your Senses

Photo: Chris Istace

Making the attempt to stop during your hike and bring conscious consciousness to your senses will not only take you into the current moment, but will also help your mind and life come back into a state of equilibrium.

Suggested Readings:

3) Enjoy the view

Throughout your hike try taking “snapshots” with your mind. Take in your view, hold your hand over your heart and breathe all the feelings of the experience into your heart center. Now all the experiences of the moment are available to you at any time.

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