
Since time beyond the reach of memory, the Rockies, Hoodoos and Waterways of the #KtunaxaHomelands have been a place of connection, rejuvenation and sustenance.

For more than 10,000 years, Ktunaxa (pronounced ‘k-too-nah-ha’) people have occupied the lands adjacent to the Kootenay and Columbia Rivers, the Arrow Lakes of British Columbia and on into Alberta, Montana, Washington and Idaho.

Today, outdoor sport and adventure has spurred a new appreciation for the area, which encompasses the BC Kootenay region, and the towns of Kimberley, Cranbrook and Fernie. Visitors come to hike, bike, ski, paddle and rejuvenate in the beauty of these lands, as well as to connect to Ktunaxa Indigenous culture.

Through the creation story of #KtunaxaHomelands, the Ktunaxa Nation welcomes you to feel that connection for yourself, as you adventure among the mountains, hoodoos, lakes and rivers of the region.

“At su·kinin q̓api qapsin na ʾamak”

Now take a look at everything you are doing from a Ktunaxa perspective.
